PDF Permissions Password Remover: saving on aspirin

Corporate users often face one of the most widely spread situations when a password protected document inflicts a headache. When once a colleague protected a corporate document gets sick, goes on holidays or quits his/her successor begins swallowing packs of aspirin to drawn a headache. What do you propose to do?!

Greenhats are always paid careful attention: is he/she able to meet the challenge of the new job. A document closed by a password can bring to shame even a professional. It is difficult to show yourself if you have no access to the required data.

But in reality a password protection is not often a big problem than most may consider. Particularly it concerns permissions passwords set for PDF documents. PDF permissions password remover will be of help.

Where permissions passwords are used

The permissions password name speaks for itself: it restricts access to PDF documents options. Depending on the document author directions such a password can restrict printing, selecting and copying the document content, document forms entry, etc.

A PDF document protected by this password can only be browsed on a computer. If you don’t know the permissions password you can do with the document nothing else.


Some passwords, strong passwords as they are called, can’t be removed. In this case they can be recovered: they are searched. The process of searching is long and somber. They are searched one by one. Hours, even days can pass … without success. Such is the peculiarity of strong encryption.

But to the joy of our clerk who grew gray with excitement, a PDF permissions password is not a strong one. There is no point in its recovery. It is easier to remove a PDF permissions password. It takes no time and the result is 100% guaranteed.


The core of the technology is that a document is decrypted and all restrictions and a permissions password set for it are removed. Decryption takes a little time. Everything is needed for it is a special program – PDF permissions password remover.

RC4 algorithm was used for encryption up to the recent version of Adobe Acrobat 9.0 (documents in Adobe PDF 1.7 format). Beginning with the current version modern and strong AES algorithm is used for encryption. But it doesn’t matter both for high-quality password removers and users what algorithm is used for decryption: the speed at which the result is got doesn’t depend on it. It is the same: instant!


Yes, not all clerks doing duty for his/her colleague face unknown PDF passwords. But every clerk should know that PDF password remover exists. It helps saving on aspirin because one will not have a headache if a PDF permissions password embarks upon the path to his/her professional success.

RC4 algorithm was used for encryption up to the recent version of Adobe Acrobat 9.0 (documents in Adobe PDF 1.7 format). Beginning with the current version modern and strong AES algorithm is used for encryption. But it doesn’t matter both for high-quality PDF password remover (for example, Atomic PDF Password Recovery) and users what algorithm is used for decryption: the speed at which the result is got doesn’t depend on it. It is the same: instant!